Joseph Manning's profile

Scoil Rince Ni Riada Irish Dance

Scoil Rince Ni Riada Irish Dance is a dance school in Las Vegas. They wanted a professional website that would help them grow their brand and improve their awarness. The menu hovers above and has an alpha state which will allow it to be see through. The colors were picked to match their logo and have a calming effect on the viewer.
Contains a newsletter sign up, YouTube video, NextGen Gallery plugin and Google Calendar events.
A simple location page which links up with Google Maps to help with directions.
I used the plugin ContactForm 7 to power their contact and registration forms
Their Google calendar is used to power their events on their site.
Scoil Rince Ni Riada Irish Dance


Scoil Rince Ni Riada Irish Dance

Created a website for a dance school in Las Vegas.
