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Farmer, Ghost, Bussinessman

2014 RISD Wintersession Thesis Work
1 Hospital

Farmer woke up in a hospital ward. The nurse’s hair was like an antenna. She was holding a plate, asking him if he felt good. Her coldness was creeping like a earthworm. Farmer didn’t speak. He stared at her when she injected some clear liquid into his arm.

'Better to leave the place. 'He looked around. White beds , white floor and white walls. Outside of window sunlight was dazzling.

Doorman’s name was pasted on the next bed. Farmer saw Ghost. Ghost's eyes were opened wide, reddish; He knew everything but wanted nothing. The ghost couldn’t speak nor make sound.
Ghost said, ‘You’ve entered the wrong door yesterday.’
2 Puppet Hotel
In the morning Farmer left his house; Yellow wheat field was like a golden carpet.
Opened the door, there was another. Farmer has to go across the road to reach the rye. On the opposite of road there was a stage/a hotel, where Puppet was sleeping.
The bed was hang on the wall. A door opened, a door closed; A door closed, another door opened.
Stairs and the door, the door and the pale light.
Behind the wall the open door was leading to a different world.
The world of sink, shower, television, dining table, soft green boxes, breeze and bed, with the sound of bush leaves rustling was hung on the wall.
The wall is the screen. Puppet stretched himself; His eyes were shining as if it had tears. Purple neon lights are turned on; it was time to dream. Farmer loves the puppet; He thought the puppet was himself, just as two doors look exactly the same.
3 Clock Tower

The clock tower had seven lights of seven colors, which means time had seven gradations.
 to build muscle/ to dream/to pray/to take food/to work as slave/to store energy/to consume

The elevator transported clock man to his direct destination: different times.
gym/cinema/church/vending machine/office/bedroom/store/ showcase

Lamps were the hand of the clock. The sound of the elevator door opened is like the ticking of clock.
Farmer is the clock man; Everyone is clock man.
4 Television

Ghost said to Farmer , 'You’ve gone the wrong door.' Ghost was inside of the television.

TV shows seemed never end. The television was plugged in a wind power generator, namely a turbine of flaming red.
As long as there was wind, it would always be turned on, as if someone was watching it. Television thought himself as a rose blossom.

The owner of the TV robots were three sisters, in a queue, smiling.
Popcorn, wine bottle, hammer; They turned themselves into plastic box.
5 Sunbath Pipe Garden 

Businessman is just a name; His sunbath pipe garden is a labyrinth, resembling the pattern of an evolving vortex. 
Sand from beach, and pink white glass.

Let the sun shine on me let me become golden; Judge my happiness and my assertiveness; I have no brain!

When it was noon people would pay to get in to the pipe to do sunbath. Their smiles were like masks. Tumble in accident; they were ghosts, laying down in pipes.

Move to me; touch me. You were taking photo of me at the end of sunshine.
Call my name; read the book. I’ll never walk through the river, the river has no end!
Farmer is walking on the road; Puppet is floating in the river.

You come and go;
You became fog and air;
You became lights of the clock tower, blue as ink.
6 Doorman

Farmer was hit by Doorman; he didn’t pass through the door.
The door was open in middle of a half-blalck-half-white deck, right across the division line.
Doorman hit Farmer because he didn’t go through the door.
Oh he was a statue.
7 Farmer’s House

Ghost said, 'The exit is at the end of left corridor.'

To escape from the hospital; The staircase was black. Farmer ran down very fast. He looked down to the steps, lowering his head. Suddenly when turning at the corner appeared a pair of shining leather shoes, squeezing his feet.

Glaring white light came through the fissure of wall at the next corner. Farmer could barely keep his eyes open. His vision turned in red.

Door at left; Door on the right. Farmer was looking at the two facades which were exactly the same.
The left and the right.

one window is double-layered; 
“ in-between two glasses is where life born” 

one window has shading;
“what you see is shadow”

the other one is a tilted cross.
“I wish I can always be wrong” 

In front of the door there were dim yellow lights that would never die out. Trimmed bush were two green cubes

Farmer didn’t remember which one was his house which one was not. He couldn’t find way back home
Farmer’s vision turned in red.
Farmer, Ghost, Bussinessman

Farmer, Ghost, Bussinessman

A surrealist story relating to space, memory, love, fear, dream and reality. It was trying to reveal what is beyond the surface; a play that expo Read More
