Atis bench design
The bench for slopes of park's rivers and lakes.
The idea of this project have occured to me while morning jogging in the park with my wife. We decided to take a seat and rest on the pond slope. Soon I saw my wife's shorts became dirty, after we stood up to go home. When I went back home I designed this bench. That is rare and fortunate occurrence, when design solve the real problem, and the solution is true and simple.
First prize at "Perm furniture design contest"
"ATIS joins the simplicity of form with functionality and with the social needs of humans in a ‘romantic’ way. It automatically brings people closer to the nature which they are also a part! It shortens the distance and elegantly plays with the tectonics of parks. Bravo!"
Oscar Zieta

"Подкупает точность и простота решения проблемы. Городская среда – это не только тротуары, парки и газоны. Существуют ситуации, которые требуют особенного внимательного осмысления. В данном случае, объект и ландшафт вступают в тесное взаимодействие. Убедительно."
Вадим Кибардин
Atis bench design

Atis bench design

The bench for slopes of park's rivers and lakes. Soon in Moscow parks. Winner of several design contests.
