Профиль Jeffrey Adamez

UI/UX : ECOMMERCE - Katris + Metronic & ASP.NET

UI / UX : ECOMMERCE - Katris + Metronic & ASP.NET
POC Done for Client Ecommerce Site

Technologies / Skills Used:
- KARTRIS: ASP.NET ecommerce for desktop, tablet and mobile
- Metronic - Responsive Ecommerce (Front-End) Template
- ArcText.js
-HTML5, CSS3, JS, JQuery

• Integration Skills

Integrate Metronic Ecommerce Front-End Template with Kartris Ecommerce Platform & Build Custom Widget to allow personalized tile orders.

Integration Task Details:
Techically, the KARTRIS Ecommerce front-end is Zurb Foundation.  The task was to replace the KARTRIS front end Foundation with Bootstrap 3.x as the front-end framework, and then integrate a Themeforest Ecommerce Bootstrap template for the Kartris Ecommerce platform.

Additional integration tasks included updating of C# code-behind to successfully integrate Bootstrap Mega Menu UI components for Katris's internal dynamically generated menu system.
landing page
category page
Custom page for Personalized Platters & Plaques
The widget, developed by RAD Frameworks Software Engineer Jeff Adamez, allows the users to input text for custimization of the plaque.
Custom page for Personalized Platters & Plaques
Prior to the user's input text for custimization of the plaque.
Custom page for Personalized Platters & Plaques
Here, the user inputs text for custimization of the plaque.

After clicking "OK", the user can acutally see the Arctext.js "transform and mould" the text to the plaque image.

This is the result above.
UI/UX : ECOMMERCE - Katris + Metronic & ASP.NET

UI/UX : ECOMMERCE - Katris + Metronic & ASP.NET

Synopsis: Integrate Metronic Ecommerce Front-End Template with Kartris Ecommerce Platform & Build Custom Widget to allow personalized tile orders Развернуть
