John Khoury 的个人资料

Computed Aided Modelling: Workshop 6 & 7

Instead of doing workshops 6 and 7 I decided to implement the workshops into my major assignment to save time without sacrificing the learning experience.
As you can see these Worshops focused on adding materials to the model and rendering high quality images. I found getting the views to work properly to be challenging. For some reason MicroStation gave me a lot of trouble to get the Walk feature working, but once I got it working properly it was very easy to set up the views for the final renderings.
I also came across the issue of having some objects move for no reason at all. For example the far spotlight one the wall have been inline with the other spotlights but is floating in mid-air. This may have been from me repositioning objects but I can't be completely sure.
After completing the model I also noticed some details that I had forgotten or didn't notice, for example the skirting against the brick wall should have been red not white.
Another issue I ran into was for some reason some of the materials wouldn't save to the levels or remove themselves from the level after I add another material to a different level. As you can see in the above rendering the glass balustrade lost its material and just rendered as a coloured slab.
Another part of this I am not satisfied with is how the glass on the doors and windows turned out. A better soloution would have been to model just outside the doors and make the glass clear instead of transluscent.
Computed Aided Modelling: Workshop 6 & 7

Computed Aided Modelling: Workshop 6 & 7

Computer Aided Modelling: Workshop 06 & 07

