Profiel van Gerry Stecca

Miscellaneous clothespins works for 50

Untitled Cocoon like shape was created a few years back and it image was used for a promotional post card I am stll using (I ordered 5K... never again). it is about 1' x 2'. $500
A favoriite of mine (with new versions to be made in the near future) I entitled it Breasts of the North West after the  exhibition in Everret WA where it was shown. The one shown is about 16" wide. $250
An intricate structure, it is about 4' high and it is best appreciated when direct spot lights are focused on it from various angles. A good piece to enjoythe shadows produced by the clothespins patterns. Seen here at The Studios of Key West.
These older pieces led to the basic shapes that later held larger works. Approx 36" tall (must check).
$300 ea
Miscellaneous clothespins works for 50

Miscellaneous clothespins works for 50

This album contains works that are part of my "50" inventory reduction efforts in celebration of my big birth day.
