Kay Ranzijn's profile

HEMA | Ad underwear

HEMA underwear concept
Assginment : Make the basic underwear for the brand HEMA ( a Dutch department store ) interesting again.
My objective : Make people believe HEMA underwear has been worn by (some) celebrities so consumers will want to have it too.
How did I want to state that objective? : I was inspired by #OOTD posts on Instagram, OOTD means "outfit of the day" where people make pictures of their clothes or themselves where they show the social community what they will be wearing that day. So in my images I added that little touch of HEMA underwear on top of outfits which represent those particular celebs, it will look a bit silly which makes it fun to look at. 
What does the copy say? : The copy is Dutch since HEMA is a Dutch brand, since I wanted to take it globally there could be an option in changing the language. The text in the middle below every image says in Dutch: "Ook zij hebben gekozen for HEMA ondergoed" which means "Also they have chosen for HEMA underwear" , which means that there are many more people who have chosen HEMA underwear. And if many people are wearing HEMA underwear... why don't you?
*this is a assignment I got from school (Junior Academie voor Advertising) this is not an assignment from HEMA.
Michael Jackson
Marylin Monroe
Lionel Messi
HEMA | Ad underwear

HEMA | Ad underwear

make HEMA underwear interesting again
