Courtney B. 的個人檔案

JoCoLibrary Teen Website Redesign

While I had to leave to pursue a different life in Iowa before completing the teen subsite at Johnson County Library, these were the graphics I created for the teen portion of the site.
If you would like to take a peak at some of the inspiration, feel free to visit which features my pinterest board filled with graphics I created or found online that were inspirational.
This is a brain vector that I created using Adobe Illustrator, my Wacom tablet and using a source image of the brain from a co-worker's wife's neurology textbook.
This graphic was created to test different color combinations for the Teens logo. Eventually, I settled on the bottom left color combination.
This was an inspirational type setting of an inspirational quote written by my co-worker at the time, Joe Morgan. It was not used.
JoCoLibrary Teen Website Redesign

JoCoLibrary Teen Website Redesign

While I had to leave to pursue a different life in Iowa before completing the teen subsite, I do have some of the work I did. Enjoy!
