Brand image for the AACNSA
This was for an online competition, to create the image of the AACNSA - Associação dos Amigos do Colégio de Nossa Senhora da Apresentação (Association of the Friends of the Nossa Senhora da Apresentação School).No rules were applied, I just should create something that could demonstrate what the association is all about.
My idea was to create a symbol that had the basic colors from the actual school - blue, orange and green - (I tone them down a bit, just to give more light to the logo) and represented all the friends and ex-students from there in a form of a star that represent the school (which is a catholic school).
This is the main version.
This is the secondary version
So, I won the competition, and this is now the new image of the association. This was a non-profit work for an association that I hope that will have a great success.


This was for an online competition (That I won), to create the image of the AACNSA (Association of the Friends of the Nossa Senhora da Apresentaç Read More
