Alternative rear from an earlier approach.
This project was for a competition. I reworked a concept I made a couple of weeks before to accomodate some ideas I had since the first pass and to be generic in form. The goal in this case was to support the initiative of the sponsor which is a company that makes protective films for the Auto industry. They would like to break in to new markets and this competion required that you support another form of transportion that might use the film. 
Image done of this car with an Aston Martin grill. This was done as a gift for a friend who works with Aston Martin. 
Previous to the competition which was for the company Expel (criteria being to expand there films in to other sporting arena's) I had worked up this Aston Martin. The goal always for me is to simplify the forms, and be honest with the functional aspect. I felt this drew from the more simple and clean lines of the past (mid to late 60's) 
I think the motorbike style tires give a nice look and are practical when it comes to low resistance for an alternative power source. 


Nimbus is a vehicle designed for a Local Motors competition to support the Xpel line of protective films.
