This space is dedicated to the styleframes for various projects at school or work. ​​​​​​​
Would love some critique, so comment if you please!
If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative.
Woody Allen

Spot It If You Can
A title ident for a variety game show.

Channel 8 Countdown
Endframe proposed for the 5-second ident to be aired for the New Year's Countdown show.
(Nov 2012)

Star Lecture - Meet Your Brain
Title endframe for a science television programme. 
Telecast: September 1, 2012. 6pm on Channel 5
Chingay 2013
A title ident for the live Chingay Float Parade.

Inspiration and Interpretation
Creating a styleframe incorporating the brand Aveda while using the Constructivism Movement style.
Referencing Joaquín Torres García, the founder of Constructive Universalism.

Homeless Vagabonds
A storyboard exercise, learning about continuity within a narrative and cinematography.
Shot by my team: Chris Tucker, Charlie Erholm, Charles Miller. Edit and stylization by Mildred Theodora.
Homeless Vagabonds
A storyboard exercise, learning about continuity within a narrative and cinematography.
Shot by my team including Chris Tucker, Charlie Erholm, Charles Miller. Edited by Mildred Theodora.

Styleframe Gallery


Styleframe Gallery

A space dedicated to the styleframes or various pieces of art I have done over the course of my studies/career in the design industry. Happy brow 閱讀更多
