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Adobe Illustrator CC2014 - VENUS REVISITED

Very thankful to be commissioned to customize the opening start up screen for Adobe Illustrator CC2014.
Below is the actual presentation deck and vector evolution.Thank you for your support.
Created with
 Adobe Illustrator Cc
No Gradient Mesh, No plugins, No Tracing

••••••••••• Cheers & enjoy •••••••••••
To deliver a vector illustration that will represent the brand personality of Adobe Illustrator and resonate with its creative audience.
Adobe Illustrator splash page / iconic history and color palatte
Idea Statement:
Pay homage to the evolution of the Adobe Illustrator splash screen by incorporating signature elements from its history and utilize them in a relevant manner that reflects the style and personality of its creative audience.
Submission 1
Although this first vector submission does a great job of leveraging all of the signature AI icons, unfortunately- Botticellisi's "Venus" , we collectively felt that her provocative pose may present an issue...
Therefore, I quickly suggested to replace Venus with something even more important and even more vital.
Let's have the character pay reverence to the # 1 tool that is synonymous with vector...
VENUS REVISITED - aka "Creativity takes Courage"
- an inspirational quote by Henri Matisse
Below: UPDATE Jan. 2015
Official Adobe.com homepage
English: If you care to see more click below to follow my vector adventures.
Spanish: Si te interesa ver más haz click debajo para seguir mis aventuras en vectores. Si usted se preocupa de ver más , haga clic abajo para seguir mis aventuras vector .
Thank you for your visit. / Gracias por su visita.
Adobe Illustrator CC2014 - VENUS REVISITED

Adobe Illustrator CC2014 - VENUS REVISITED

Commissioned to have fun and create a new for the official start up splash for Adobe Illustrator.
