Faye Paris 的個人檔案

EU Crime Prevention Project

Strengthening Crime Prevention Between EU Member States Project
A locally hosted conference held in February 2013. The project partners are Victim Support Malta, Victim Cupport Europe and MEUSAC (Malta-EU Steering & Action Committee).
"The aim behind this project, and in particular the conference held as part of this project, was to provide victim support practitioners and other relevant stakeholders the opportunity to get together to brainstorm on how to strengthen crime prevention efforts, both locally and on a European level, and how to collaborate in order to do this successfully." - Director, Victim Support Malta
 Below are some items which I designed, including the identity, some printed material and a website. 
EU Crime Prevention Project

EU Crime Prevention Project

Identity, printed material and a website for a locally hosted Conference on Strengthening Crime Prevention between EU Member States.
