Products developed for the Community of artisans at Fernão Velho, Alagoas
This project was developed as a consulting for a community of artisans based at Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil. The products were created after an extensive research of the techniques, the materials available, the local market and the culture of the cooperative. It culminated in the development of a collection of ecobags, prints and fabric dolls. I was truly inspired by the colorfull and rich local culture and I used it as a differential for the new products. I worked only with local materials in order to show the community that it was possible to be sustainable and still be different from the other local artisans.
square Ecobag with "Folguedos" print
pocket Ecobag with "Fernão Velho" print
round Ecobag with "São João" print
The Carmem dolls were based in the local fabric factory, that is called Carmem. The idea was to explore the Carmem figure which is a mystery in the community. What she might have been like? This is the brunette version: Carmem Cristina. She's fun, she loves to party, specially to dance the 'forró'. She also likes corn and everything made from it.
This is Carmem Maria. She's very neat and organized and she makes her own clothes. She's a mother of three and she also have cooking skills. Her kids are very found of her peanut candies.
This is Carmem Teresa and she is the most romantic one. She likes 'bossa nova'', poetry and she's looking for a love to take her to the beach and drink coconut water while staring at the sea.


The products are sold at the cooperative. More information at the email:
