Fariz Azlans profil

"Captivity" - Saving The Orangutan

In the remote regions of Indonesia, unrecorded numbers of orangutans are poached and kept in captivity before being sold into the black market. During captivity, these animals are kept in cages no bigger than these abandoned structures that litter the streets of Jakarta. We took the opportunity to highlight the plight of these creatures in the public eye by placing replicas of orangutans within these tiny confinement.
The ambient received an amazing response across social networking platforms as their website records 10,000 new hits in the first two weeks of launch. It also made the news on TV, newspapers and online news websites, mostly thanks to the gridlock traffic in Jakarta and hundreds of pedestrians that walk by every day. FNPF's rehabilitation program proved successful, with 20 orangutans released into the wild to date.
Since 2002, FNPF concluded its orangutan rehabilitation and release program as new regulations restrict the release of orangutans in order to control the spread of disease.
About Friends Of The National Parks Foundation
Friends of the National Parks Foundation (FNPF) is a non-profit organization that works to protect the wildlife and its habitat whilst supporting local communities. Their projects have been recognized globally by organisations such as the United Nations Development Programme, the Whitley Fund for Nature and the Rainforest Action Network. FNPF was set up 1997 by a group of veterinarians and conservationists and rely solely on the support of volunteers and donors. For more information, visit www.fnpf.org
"Captivity" - Saving The Orangutan

"Captivity" - Saving The Orangutan

Abandoned structures in the middle of Jakarta becomes an unlike savior for Orangutans in captivity.
