"My art practise is centred around etching and dry point techniques, the alchemy of etching and physicality of mezzotint are both strong in my printmaking vocabulary."
 Nixon's prints are derived from a collection of narratives surrounding his memories from, childhood to adulthood, past and present. The characters, objects and locations are imbued with a sense of character, spirit and life. Nixon is interested in the magic of the printmaking techniques of Etching and Mezzotint, bringing together hard and soft marks to make compositions. Artists whom he looks to for inspiration are artists like Jorg Schemeisser, Utagawa Hiroshige, Utagawa Kuniyoshi, to name a few.  Nixon enjoys composing images using the frame of the printing plate as if it were a stage where the Characters play.
Two Headed Donkey, Etching, 24cm x 23cm
The Journey Begins, Etching, 24cm x 23cm
Hope on the Horizon, Etching, 22cm x 23cm
They Found Something, Etching / Mezzotint, 24cm x 23cm
They Found Something (line), Etching, 24cm x 23cm
Rabbit and Robot, Etching, 24cm x 23cm
The Knowledge Tree, Etching / Mezzotint, 22cm x 60cm
Fruits of Conversation, Etching / Mezzotint, 22cm x 60cm
A Sense of Place

A Sense of Place

This project was for an exhibition "A Sense of Place" This is a show I had With my Partner Meelan Oh another Canberra Artist. The show was about Läs mer


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