Profil użytkownika „Dan Seeker”

Oh shit! My feet are so ugly! (2013)

Oh shit! My feet are so ugly!
Drawings by David Madry
2013, December 17th, 7pm, Shift - Köpenicker Str 70, 10179 Berlin
Hosted by a very gentle creature -
Surreal Monochrome Vegetarian Food -
Interactive Noise Soundtrack -
"The film production Boharg Studios in collaboration with Shift presents one evening with drawings by David Madry.

Take a step out of reality. Dive into strange worlds, filled with hilarious, angry creatures who forgot to buy eggs or lost track of their virginity. Bring your reading glasses, for the ridiculously detailed drawings require a closer look.

Get inspired and disturbed by our host: a very gentle creature. Only she can provide scientific and philosophic background information on each and every drawing. What did he need the eggs for and when did he last check on his virginity? You better ask the creature!

We dare you, yes we dare you to try our surreal, monochrome, vegetarian food, which Hannes from Veggie-TV will serve to the brave and open-tongued people. Look at the drawings, now look at the food in your hand. Can you see it? Can you taste it?

What is that sound, ringing in your ear? What is that bass that makes your tummy feel nice? And what is this microphone for? You better ask korey, our noise specialist for the evening. And you better ask him through the mic.

Take this chance to temporarily escape all worldly burdens and drift away on our crazy raft with us.

Admission: free"
Oh shit! My feet are so ugly! (2013)

Oh shit! My feet are so ugly! (2013)

Imagine and performe the soundscape for a somber exploration of David Madry's drawings. mood crafting
