Unit 1: Activity 1 Playing some board games

1. Three Things I like About This Game:
       - This game had all of us in this group make strategies and thinking 10 steps ahead.
       - This Game uses the real world and continents.
       - When fighting to take over more territories, you have to roll one die each. The defender always wins if its a 
          tie or if the defender rolls higher than the attacker. The attacker only wins is he rolls higher.
2. Three Things I Did Not Like About This Game.
       - It is hard to understand and set up as we all did not know how to play it
       - Greenland is a part of Canada in this game. (I understand why it is but it bugs me)
       - Once you take over four continents you basically win since you can draw more cards and cash them out
          for soldiers. (Each card has a star and some have 2 stars. With the ratio from one-two star cards when 
          you control four continents you can draw four cards. If you get ten stars you can cash them out for thirty
          thirty soldiers and fortify your weak points.
3. If I Could Change One Thing I woul Change...
If I could change one things about this game I would change the way the cards are drawn. I would make it so that you can only draw one card per every two continents you own.
4. I can see the game being popular because it was lots of fun for my friends and I to play this game. We did not get to finish the game but we are anxious to finish it in a later game.
Unit 1: Activity 2 My favourite game
Unit 1: Activity 3 Characteristics of a good game
Unit 1: Project Creating A Board Game
HomeMade Board Game 
Jagor, Tyler & Stephane

A player who shares a space with another player will engage in a duel. The highest roller wins, if the roll is a draw you roll again. A player in the center space can challange another player closest to their goal to a duel. If the challanger wins they take the other players space and they go back to start, if the challanger loses they go back to start and the other player keeps there place.
Controlling Corners:
If you do not control and spaces and you lose a duel, your player is out of the game completely.
If you controller a corner you can go either left or right instead of straight. The player can not cross into your lane on the edges of the board unless they defeat you in a duel, then they can cross into your edge lane and come challenge your base.
You can also challenge a base if you cross the middle of the board to another base.
How to win:
You can win by controlling all of the corners
Hazards  and helpful spaces: red indicates a hazard square based on roll.
1. lose a turn
2. move back the number you roll.
3. back to start.
4. half roll
5. double back to start(you and another player of your choice must go back to start)
6. you must duel another player, if you lose then go back to start and lose a turn but if you win you get the other players space and the go back to start and lose a turn.
Blue indicates helpful squares.
1. move forward based on roll.
2 safe duel(you are safe from a duel on your following turn)
3. send another player back to start
4. safe hazard(you are safe from a hazard on your following turn
5. double roll(your next roll is worth double)
6. safe from player(you are safe from a players go back to start decision your following turn)
1. our game was good because it was challanging and lasted long
2. our games layout/art needs improvement
3. i agree with other groups that our layout was not satasfactory
4. i disagree that our board game is too hard because the whole oint is a challange
5. i learned how create a board game that satisfies both the players and the designers.
Unit: 1

Unit: 1



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