This is a practice in watercolour - I also made a WIP for this painting here 
My friend Johan has made all these clothes as a reenactment of 1700 and his rifle is a real antique from that time. I loved the colours in these photos and wanted to try to capture that in watercolour. So this is both a portrait, a tribute and a colour practise :)
Here is my lineart, more or less traced from photo reference since my goal is to work with colours here in a more realistic style than what I normally do.
Photo reference 1
Photo reference 2
Watercolour set up. This is my first attempt for this painting and I'm counting on at least one more try so I have not bothered to trace the whole image to this paper.
First test. Trying to find values and textures.
First try on water and green moss. Not happy with the water at all, but now I know how NOT to start next time...
Kapten Johan


Kapten Johan

Practise in watercolour from photo reference.
