F CK Flavio Campagna Kampah STENCILS

F CK Flavio Campagna Kampah STENCILS
Some of my recent stencils works on canvas.
Since this last March I have started working on large canvas using the stencil technique.
I cut my own stencil with the exacto knife and then spray paint over canvas, sometimes after sticking a base of old newspapers. I am having lots of fun and the whole process remind me of the old days when I wasstill only a graphic magazine designer, long before the computer revolution, and I was using my own hands to paste and create instead of a mouse or a keyboard. It also involves my skills of painting, but I like the fact that I never use the brush, only the spray paint to create my works. It is always a delightful surprise everytime I lift the paper and take a look at how the color paint mixed to the background, according to the spray pressure and the way I cut the paper...I also do many passes of colors so i can create images that have lights and shadows to enhance a more threedimensional and photographic look to my portraits. 
Hope you'll like my work, I am seeking exhibits spaces anywhere but also magazine illustrations collaboration or artworks for cd covers or film posters.
You can find some more of my works at
F CK Flavio Campagna Kampah STENCILS

F CK Flavio Campagna Kampah STENCILS

soem of my latest stencil art works
