Activity 1:
What makes a good game?
1.      Interactivity
2.      Outcome has to be uncertain
3.      If you change the representation of the game the experience for the player will change
4.      Representation and rules do not correspond
5.      Rules of the game define the possible actions of the players. Rules are unambiguous, intelligible, and apply          for all players.
6.      No game can be played without the interaction of the player
7.      The outcome of a game has to be uncertain, otherwise it loses its appeal.
8.      Computer games simulate or change properties and processes of the real world
9.      Rules and representation of a game are not independent but interact with each other
10.   Competition arises out of the conflict between player and computer opponent
11.   Without a goal the game is boring
Activity 2:
Activity 3:
Activity 4:
* Vector graphics:
* Raster graphics:
Pixel based [pictures
* What is a logo:
It is a symbol that a company adopts to represent its self
Logos must have a secret hidden message
* There are 5 different types of logos:
1. Only Text
2. Text plus Image
3. Only image
4. Only Abbreviation
5. Abbreviation plus Image
Activity 5:
Part 1:
Sprite Sheets
·        Everything that can move in a game is called a Sprite Sheet
·        A sprite is measured in pixel.
·        A sprite would appear in a rectangle.
·        Help reduce memory usage in your game.
·        A 32 bit colour format, each colour format and the transparency is covered by 8 bits, 4 bites for each pixel.
·        You can reduce the colour format to 16 bits, the quality can be improved by adding dithering 
Part 2:
Webcam Toy Sketch:
Part 3:
Spite Caracter:
Sprite Background:
Asset #1 Sheild:
Asset #2 Sword:
Final Backgroud
Activity 6: Rich Activity 
Something #1: 
Unit 1 Reflections:
Part 1:
1.     The activities that i did my best work on this unit are the logo, and the rich activity. I think that my final outcome was successful because my game looked good and i executed everything i learned.
2.     Yes, I enjoyed making the rich activity because i got to use Construct 2, and make a game. I could have my theme because now i found out a lot of people have the same theme.
3.     Yes, I can connect, because I can now think like how the Video game designers and people make their games. An example would be the game Flappy bird,because I got to learn how to make it and make it original.
4.     I feel like I was doing okay during this unit, because I wasn’t trying my best and wasn’t doing my hardest on every activity.
5.     My aims and goals for the next couple of units is to work hard on every activity and stay on track and not get distracted.
6.        I think that the media theme that I would pursue in future units/ activities would probably be the fish under water theme.
7.       An aspect of my work that I would like to pursue on would be my designs, I think I could make them more original in future units.
Part 2:
Unit 1

Unit 1

This is my grade 9 App, Game and Web Development Unit 1 portfolio. In this unit i learned how to make new stuff such as; making an asset, drawing 閱讀更多
