Amanda Lennon 的个人资料

Connecting Mindbody App

Mindbody App - Connecting your mind & body (Ageing gracefully)
Concept - A Bi-directional journey, the powerful connection between your mind and body, and between your body and mind! The start of the ageing gracefully and well being journey. The user can scroll up and down to work their way through the app. The app offers information on how to balance your body and mind.  And gets information from your bracelet monitoring you and the information your provide. The bracelet is to take the monotonious typing and workload off you. The app is broken into three sections. The first part is the introduction and explains what the app is about, also allowing the user to login or register to allow the user to have a more personal experience.
Mockup of mindbody App
This project is aimed towards Age Action Ireland - Ageing Gracefully(Connecting Body & Mind) to help advise a younger audience aged between 30/40 plus, how to age gracefully as today we face a world of stress and a continuous and competitive need for youth and beauty.

The concept is to help inform my target audience how to connect your body and mind. It has been scientifically proven that the process of ageing can be slowed down immensely by working out this balance between body and mind and that there is a strong connection between the two, also proving longevity and good health.
 The logo design and typography promote the easy flow of mind and body.  The red immmotelle sun flower I chose because of its meaning (everlasting). It is a flower that never ages and is known as the magic flower.
The exact reason why plants in the Helichrysum family are called “immortelle,” or at times
“everlasting,” is unknown, but there are two prevailing theories. One is that the blooms last for an unusually long time. Flowers typically bloom in late winter, and remain fragrant and colourful through the first frost in the fall. When cut, the flowers also dry almost perfectly preserved. Dried arrangements can keep looking fresh for months or more.
I choose to advertise with the logo made from paper quilling as it promotes in a natural way.
Monitoring Fashion Bracelet
Fashion/Stylish bracelet  with engraved flower (logo) and integrated sensors for monitoring.
Connecting Mindbody App

Connecting Mindbody App

Ageing Gracefully - Connecting your mind and body

