University Project, Year 2/1
50 Pages
Inkjet print
DIY Signature binding
1 Hardcover copy
For this university project I was tasked to take fifty photos on a 35mm film camera, in response to a list of fifty words. I chose to pick Skin as a subject, questioning it and experimenting with it from different angles, using different props and lights, all shot with a 70—300mm 1:4 Macro lens. 
The final outcome comprises a selection of these photographs in an arrangement that reflects upon an individual’s routine and attempts to expose our ties with the recurrent, hope and commodities.
I took all photographs, planned and design the final publication, which I also printed and signature bind it in a sturdy and elegant orange book-cloth hardcover.
Stock specifications:
Metaphor Wheat 130gsm (Arboreta Papers)
Tracing paper 110gsm (Arboreta Papers)
Shepherds London standard yellow bookcloth on 3mm recycled board and Maya smooth coloured card black 200gsm


For this university project I was tasked to take fifty photos on a 35mm film camera, in response to a list of fifty words. I chose to pick Skin a 자세히 보기


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