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Group Exhibition | PEEK SHOW

Group exhibition 'PEEK SHOW' at The Rag Factory, London. October 2014. 
See more details about the event here.

And for stuff behind the scenes go straight here.


There were 7 people who took part in this exhibition (from left to right): Loren Leblanc, Sharanya Kunnath, Marta Vives Poch, Yvonne Lee, Athar Zahid, Maria Naydenova and Donna Peters. Best crew ever!

Each of the artist created his own design for the invitation card.
This character first appeared on one of my illustrations in a sketchbook. I modified it a bit for the postcard.

I put a booklet with a description of my MA project on the plinth in front of the wall with my illustrations.

Thanks for watching!

Group Exhibition | PEEK SHOW
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Group Exhibition | PEEK SHOW

PEEK SHOW at The Rag Factory Gallery October 2—October 5, 2014 The Rag Factory 16—18 Heneage Street E1 5LJ, London, UK

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