House of Fairytales

House of Fairytales
Museum of Hans Christian Andresen
The new urban space of Odense does focuses on nature, discoveries and fun. Everybody is immersed in fairytales universe thanks to urban garden and new museum. A new labyrinthine garden and museum will immerse visitor in universe of fairytales.
Garden was first and one of the main elements of our thought. We wanted an intimate transition between public space and enchanting garden. It’s a magical place which spread out on urban scale. People can come in garden to divert themselves, go out of their everyday life taking just a coffee, or walking in this enchanted garden. Everybody can play with each parts of garden, because each part plays with our senses; sound, touch, smell, view.
Magical pathway of Andersen’s walk has colored ambiance of village and Andersen’s birthday place.  Sometimes it’s just better to use existing atmosphere and highlight it.
The tinderbox is a place of awakening and self-fulfillment for children. It invites them to become open-minded. Thanks to this place, they can express themselves easier than when Andersen was a child.
Return to your childhood and relive the magic of Andersen. Let fairytale continues...
Project was also nominated by a professional jury for the highest prize in students competition “Olověný Dušan 2014” and published on Oloveny Dušan web page 
Master plan
Inspiration & philosophy of project
Tinderbox Cultural Centre for Children
Hans Christian Andersen Museum
Garden of Fairytales
House of Fairytales

House of Fairytales

Competition proposal for new Hans Christian Andersen Museum in Odense.
