Powder Explosion
Create a powder explosion to present cosmetics eyes shadow colors
In Fisrt Create PFlow emmiter in 3DS Max, with many spawn, and different size and mesh instance of particles.
Render the particles using Vray with soft lighting and SSS material.
Use this particles to simulate tow different smoke with FumeFX :
One first with wide radius and turbulance wind, rendered with Krakatoa
And one second with a smollest radius, low turbulance wind, and more innertie, to have a smoke trails of each particles, rendered with Krakatoa.
Mix the DOF from smoke render and the DOF from Particles render to have a good mask of particles.
And Composite on After Effect Smoke and Particles render
Add Glint effect.
Use DOF from 3D Programe
And compose it with Depth of Field in After Effect

Powder Explosion

Powder Explosion

Create a powder explosion to present cosmetics eyes shadow colors
