a departure gift
I've hired a few great people in my time.  Allison is tied for first place.  When she left Spinner, I had to commemorate the good times we had and the projects we worked on together, and the collage ended up being a perfect time capsule of the turn of the century in dot-com land: it was the year of Ricky Martin, Austin Powers, and she had a crush on Edward Norton.  It was the time of cavernous abandoned manufacturing spaces turned into offices, lavish dot com parties, the rise of music on the internet, dogs in the office, the peak of the wave of internet millionaires not old enough to drink yet.  She found one of those, and married him.  I like to think I can take some of the credit for the match.

My only goof: she REALLY does not like lizards.  This is probably buried in a closet somewhere, covered by between 3 and 12 blankets.


Paper on cardboard
