Perfil de Janet Meiji

A lifetime journey

A lifetime journey
by Janet Wong
Photographer: Janet Wong
Talent: David Kimani
People from all walks of life carry their own refreshing, unpredictable stories and missions in their lifetime journey. It’s a norm. Just like Superman comes to rescue and evil witch comes to destroy. Life is busy, so live it slow. Never miss the spark, delight of your peak moments and the dreadful downs in your life as life will never be meaningful without any one of them. Never get shattered by your fear and anger even though you are standing alone. When glitches cloud your mind, slow down your pace, even take a nap and reassemble yourself again before departure as we are only human. After the rain, earth harderns. 
“We keep moving forward, opening new doors and doing new things, because we are curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” by Walt Disney.
A lifetime journey

A lifetime journey

A lifetime journey by Janet Wong 2014. Photographer: Janet Wong Talent: David Kimani


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