EZine of AIGA 2010 Emerge Exhibition
Original electronic zine design of the AIGA 2010 Emerge Exhibition (Los Angeles Area Design Schools Student Design Showcase Exhibition). Original concept, layout, design, photography, interview and article (copywriting).
EZine front cover
Table of Contents spread pages 2-3
Exhibition Map spread pages 4-5
Interview spread pages 6-7
Interview continued spread pages 8-9
Interview continued spread pages 10-11
Interview continued spread pages 12-13
Interview continued spreads pages 14-15
Interview continued spreads 16-17
Interview continued spreads 18-19
Interview continued spreads 20-21
Interview continued spreads 22-23
AIGA Emerge 2010 Exhibition Poster
Article spreads pages 26-27
Article continued spreads 28-29
Article continued spreads 30-31
Article continued spreads 32-33
My Expressionistic poster shown in the AIGA Emerge 2010 Exhibition
EZine Back Cover


EZine created chronicling first have experience of exhibiting in the AIGA Emerge 2010 Los Angeles Student Design Schools Exhibition at the Pacifi Развернуть
