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How to Disable/Remove Ads in Yahoo Mail?

How to Disable/Remove Ads in Yahoo Mail?
Do you want to get complete information on how to remove ads in Yahoo Mail? It could be frustrating to seek unnecessary ads on the screen when you are trying to do something important. This problem usually happens when you are using the free version of Yahoo Mail. In addition, some other problems could also lead to this issue. Here is a quick fix that you can try to disable the ads from your mail.

Begin by signing into your Yahoo Mail account. 
On the open screen, you need to click on the partially appearing arrow on the side of the screen. 
Now, you will see that the ad on your Yahoo inbox has gone. 
But the ad will be there, and it will appear once again when you reload the page. 
If you want to get rid of the ads once and for all, you need to use an ad blocker. 
Browse for any ad blocker and choose the Add to Chrome option to add the extension. 
Then, head to the extension section and turn on the extension. 
Now, check if your device is still showing the ads or not.

If you are still getting the ads on your device, then you need to look for additional help. Also, using the Plus version of Yahoo Mail is also helpful in fixing the ads issue. For more information visit our website or the link provided below.
How to Disable/Remove Ads in Yahoo Mail?

How to Disable/Remove Ads in Yahoo Mail?


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