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ELGA Creative Documentary Poster: ASIN TIBUOK

T-BMMA224PR | Advanced Computer Graphics
ELGA Final Project | Creative Documentary Poster
In the coastal town of Albuquerque, Bohol in the Philippines, a revered salt-making tradition teeters on the brink of extinction. Asin tibuok, a smoky, slightly sweet artisanal sea salt, has been made for generations using an ancient, labor-intensive pre-Hispanic method.

This immersive documentary goes behind the scenes with the few remaining asinderos, the salt makers carrying on this heritage craft. We follow their painstaking process - soaking coconut husks for months, burning them to ash, filtering seawater through the ash to create a concentrated brine, then carefully tending clay salt pots over a wood fire for 8 hours to produce the coveted asin tibuok orbs.

Listed as an endangered heritage food, asin tibuok's survival is threatened like never before. The recent devastating typhoon has completely destroyed the salt makers' facilities, leaving them without the basic means to continue their tradition. As we intimately chronicle their daily struggles, the film raises urgent awareness about protecting this cultural treasure on the edge of annexation.

More than just economics, asin tibuok represents the enduring spirit and resilience of the Boholano people. This visually striking documentary underscores why we must join the fight to save irreplaceable culinary traditions like this sacred Philippine salt before they disappear forever.

Jerzsei Q. Alforque | MMA22
ELGA Creative Documentary Poster: ASIN TIBUOK


ELGA Creative Documentary Poster: ASIN TIBUOK


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