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Platelet rich plasma therapy for hair loss in Delhi NCR

Platelet-rich plasma therapy for hair loss in Delhi NCR | Dermasure Clinic
When it comes to hair, dermatologists are the experts. Hair isn't just a part of your body, but a significant aspect that contributes to your body’s aesthetics. If you want to achieve healthy, luscious, thriving hair, we can help you get there.

Platelet-rich plasma therapy for hair loss (PRP) is a highly sought-after treatment that uses the regenerative power of your blood to stimulate tissue regeneration and repair.

At Dermasure, we provide PRP treatment to reverse hair loss and promote healthy hair growth. This treatment yields noticeable improvements in hair thickness and density, reduces hair shedding and breakage, and most importantly, restores your confidence and self-esteem.

Dr Shirin Bakshi, the best dermatologist in Delhi, is dedicated to providing personalised care and tailored treatment plans to address your specific hair concerns. Whether you’re experiencing hair loss, thinning, or other hair-related issues, we’re here to help you achieve the healthy, vibrant hair you desire.

Platelet rich plasma therapy for hair loss in Delhi NCR

Platelet rich plasma therapy for hair loss in Delhi NCR


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