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Recreating Apple’s “Think Different” Ad Campaign

Recreating Apple’s “Think Different” ad campaign from 1997 in 2024 with After Effects
Some days ago, I entered into the rabbit hole of motion graphics, thanks to the captivating designs on Ben Marriott’s YouTube channel. As someone with very little knowledge of motion graphics and its software even after designing for years now, I still had to make my idea a reality because Ideas are fragile. 
I knew that I had my hands full with this design, so I did everything a normal person would do… Binge-watch YouTube Videos for 100+ hours till the concept started making sense. After that, I was confident that I could pull this off 
Off I went to look at pictures and videos of what the “Think Different” campaign would look like 
This Marketing campaign was done in 1997, but I wanted to give it an early 2000s feel, that techno sounds that we hear from tech products just like the Play station loading screen sound, the starting windows loading screen sound ( link to hear those sounds on youtube
As someone who was just getting to know the world in the 2000s, these sounds sent chills down my spine those times, so why not create a few seconds animated clip of the “Think Different” campaign with those sounds
I also wanted to add a retro effect, so that it wouldn't look so modern, but also old school.  Also added ventilation line effects to make it look vintage. 
I also wanted the animation to load from the bottom of the Apple logo so that you could feel the satisfaction of not knowing what comes, but then the leaf of the apple is revealed, and then you see that tech company that you love. 
Here was another fun idea that I implemented, I made a logo that gives the illusion of it lighting up, to signify the light bulb Idea, but also when it reaches the bottom, the “Think different” is revealed 
One problem that I encountered was that I forgot how to use the new adjustment layer to create a layer on my comp, so it was back to YouTube again, lol
Key Takeaways
Just like “Steve Jobs said, everything that you call life was created by someone who is not smarter than you”
I'm glad that this exists out there now and I created it for future generations to look at and create from.
Final Render
Recreating Apple’s “Think Different” Ad Campaign


Recreating Apple’s “Think Different” Ad Campaign
