Zaty Rahim's profile

Rumah Pantang (Postpartum Rejuvenation Centre)

In Malay culture, anjung is a gathering place before entering deeper into the house. This space function as lobby. Combining feminine and natural colours in a way that is soothing is being achieved through the employment of nude brown shades with a touch of rosy brown. Rattan and wood are being used to fuse Malay elements in the space
RUANG KONGSI - A space serves as a central point for mothers to socialize and create a strong bond among themselves here. Exchanging experiences & knowledge about mothers life tp each other  while socializing.
RUANG IBU- Ruang Ibu is a space where mothers can rest and revitalize themsalves. A stay in mothers will participate in various of programme aimed at helping them to recover their lost strength and energy during childbirth.
RUANG SERBA SERBI- Ruang Serba Serbi is an intersection space with anjung. Various of events can be accommodate here such as tahnik, cukur jambul, family gathering and many more. This space offers a great flexibility as the walls can be expand and closed into two sizes. 
RUANG MENYUSU- This space serves as a place where mothers learn how to breastfeed their babies properly with guidance from the staff and among the mothers here
RUANG URUT - A space where mothers can pampered themselves with massages and malay method, tangas to regain their health and energy back after birth.
Rumah Pantang (Postpartum Rejuvenation Centre)


Rumah Pantang (Postpartum Rejuvenation Centre)
