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Bára og bæði heimilin

Bára og bæði heimilin - Bára and the Two Homes" is a heartwarming and insightful story about a young girl named Bára who navigates life between two distinct households. In one home, she lives with her father and his girlfriend, and in the other, she resides with her mother, her mother's husband, and her two brothers. This story beautifully illustrates the experience of children who split their time between parents, spending one week with their mother and the next with their father. By depicting Bára's experiences, the story aims to educate and foster understanding among children who might not be familiar with this kind of family arrangement, showing them the unique challenges and joys that come with having two homes.
This beautiful book was written by Sólborg Guðbrandsdóttir, who, being a stepmom herself, offers a unique and personal perspective on the topic. Recognizing the lack of similar books, she was inspired to create this one. She invited me to contribute the illustrations and layout, as well as to share my own experiences, since my daughter also divides her time between two homes. Collaborating on this project was an incredibly enjoyable and rewarding experience.
Here are a few pages from the book.
I really hope it gets translated to other languages soon.
A few rough layouts
Links to Sólborg's socials and where you can purchase the book:

Bára og bæði heimilin


Bára og bæði heimilin
