samuel Cheung's profile

A Guide To The Lotus Citadel:

A Guide To The Lotus Citadel:
Link To Game:
The Lotus Citadel, also known as the Timeless Stronghold, is a castle themed after a lotus and situated in realms beyond the bounds of time. In essence, this castle serves as a walk-through diary, filled with meaningful items that symbolize the various journeys I have undertaken throughout my life, as well as those yet to come.

Room centerpieces are unique items that reside in each of the rooms within the citadel. They are one-of-a-kind items that can only be found in their respective rooms, each conveying an important message or value based on the room in which they reside.

Room Center Pieces
Working Grand Father Clock (Room Of The Present)

A Granite Path that leads to a large closed door. (Room Of The Future)
Elements Of Nonlinear Storytelling, And How I Incorporated It Into My Project:
Nonlinear storytelling is a technique in which the chronological order of events is disrupted. This means that the story does not follow a straight line from beginning to end. Elements that may contribute to this include a character’s actions or choices, which influence the development of the story and the world around them. Agency, along with the concept of time, plays key roles in a character’s development throughout a story. In a sense, our lives are stories themselves. As we interact with the world through our decisions and actions, we shape the events that we will experience tomorrow. Our past has shaped us into the people we are today, and our actions now will shape the people we become in the future.
The lobby is where all players spawn upon entering the game. Currently, the main item in the lobby is an open book, which is a reference to the game’s concept of being a walkthrough diary. In the lobby, there are three doors that lead to three different rooms symbolizing the past, present, and future.
Room Of The Past:
Items located in The Room Of The Past:
* King and Queen Chess Piece 
* The Three pawns 
* Shelves filled with hour glasses
* Book Shelf
* Fireplace 
* Compass Symbol
* Piano 
* Computer
* Mist
*Compass Symbol

The room of the past symbolizes the experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today. The king and queen chess pieces represent my parents. The hourglasses on the shelves symbolize the countless hours my parents sacrificed to raise me and my siblings. The fireplace represents the warmth and safety I have received from my family. The piano symbolizes my early love for music. The mist surrounding a portion of the room symbolizes my introverted nature and its impact on my social life.
Ever-Present Hall/ Room of the Present:
Items located within the Hall of the present:

* Chess Pieces
* Bookshelves
* Computers
* Grandfather Clock (Room Center Piece) 
* Hourglass
* Jenga Tower
* Keys
* Rolltop Desk
* Pipe Organ
* Newtons Cradle

The ever-present hall in the Lotus Citadel symbolizes the present day of my life, filled with objects that represent the adventures and challenges I am currently facing. The chess pieces and the Jenga tower symbolize the importance of daily decisions. No matter how big or small, every action we take influences our lives in the long run. The rolltop desk signifies my current role as a college student. The computers embedded in the chamber walls reflect how my college life revolves around technology, with many of my assignments involving the creation of content or art using today's technology. The bookshelves on the right side of the chamber symbolize the knowledge I have acquired over the years and how it has propelled me forward in life. Keys represent life's opportunities and emphasize the importance of cherishing each one. The hourglass represents the relentless passage of time, while the grandfather clock displays the present time. Note that it is the only clock that works in this game. Finally, the pipe organ symbolizes my passion for music, which continues to grow with practice over the years.
Room Of Tomorrow:

* Empty Photo Frames
* A Granite Path that leads to a large, closed door (Room Center Piece)
* Lion (Room Center Piece) 
* Broken grandfather clocks
* Gargoyle
* Compass symbols
* Random Doors
* Mist
The Room Of Tomorrow symbolizes my uncertainty about the future. The empty photo frames represent the myriad possibilities for the memories I could create throughout life. The broken grandfather clocks and warped compasses symbolize how the future is unfixed and can shift based on our actions. Random doors in the room represent the diverse opportunities available in life; different doors will open when we are ready to step through them. The gargoyle symbolizes the inner struggles or challenges. The mist signifies the uncertainty shrouding the future.

The room's centerpiece features a long path leading to a giant door, guarded by a majestic lion. This centerpiece symbolizes the courage required to embrace change. Accepting change and progressing in life is never easy. Yet, it's a challenge each of us must face individually. However, once we overcome these hurdles, we gain increased strength to tackle the challenges life presents. With perseverance, we will have the ability to forge our own paths, as long as we maintain hope.
A Guide To The Lotus Citadel:

A Guide To The Lotus Citadel:
