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Appie Farms - Chicken / Egg Pckaging Design

Project: Appie Farms Chicken Meat and Egg Product Packaging and Communication

Client: Appie Farms

Overview: This project involves the design of packaging and communication materials for chicken meat and egg products under the brand Appie Farms. As one of the leading chicken product producers, Appie Farms aims to revitalize its packaging to reflect its commitment to quality, freshness, and sustainability.

Objective: The primary goal is to create packaging and communication materials that enhance the brand's visibility, appeal to its target audience, and differentiate its products in the market.

Target Audience: Appie Farms targets health-conscious consumers who prioritize quality, freshness, and ethical sourcing in their food choices. This includes families, working professionals, and individuals seeking nutritious and responsibly produced chicken products.

Key Message: The packaging and communication materials should convey Appie Farms' dedication to providing premium-quality chicken meat and eggs that are sustainably sourced, fresh, and delicious.

Tone: The tone should be approachable, trustworthy, and modern, reflecting Appie Farms' commitment to transparency and excellence in every aspect of its products.

Creative Direction: Drawing inspiration from nature and the farm environment, the design should incorporate vibrant colors, clean typography, and imagery that highlights the natural freshness of the products. Emphasis should be placed on simplicity, clarity, and sustainability.

1. Packaging design for chicken meat products (e.g., fillets, drumsticks, whole chicken).
2. Packaging design for chicken egg cartons.
3. Branding materials including logos, labels, and tags.
4. Communication materials for online and offline platforms (e.g., website banners, social media posts, print advertisements).

Appie Farms - Chicken / Egg Pckaging Design

Project Made For

Appie Farms - Chicken / Egg Pckaging Design
