Anna Deakova's profile

Tea package "birdie"

Package design for "birdie" herbal tea was inspired by my grandmather and her big garden full of healing flowers and birds. She always have some herbs for all pain and unwell, but the most helpful is that feeling to be at home –“in the nest”. So I decided to merge all these things into package design.
The packaging contains tea bags arranged like little eggs in the nest, the tea is handcrafted and packed into the silk pouch. At the bottom of the rounded box is hidden a small gift – cute holder for a tea bag –paper birdie on the pin.
When we are usually watering the tea, the pouch falling down and we can not put it out. Consumer of this tea has no more problems –paper birdie will care about it, then you can comfortably enjoy your herb drink.
In addition, the package contains instructions and a short newsletter about birds in your area, so you can collect all species and learn about them.
All package is made by natural materials, recycled paper and wood, and printed on ecological print.
Obal na bylinkový čaj "vtáčik":

Obal obsahuje čajové vrecúška aranžované tak, aby pripomínali vajíčka v hniezde. Na spodnej strane obalu sa skrýva malý darček – držiak na čajové vrecko, ktoré sa obyčajne pri zalievaní čaju "utopí" a konzument ho musí z nápoja pracne vyberať. Malý vtáčik ho ale postráži a tak si pohodlne môžeme vychutnať bylinkoý čaj 100% lahodnej chuti, ručne balený do hodvábnych vrecúšok. 
Okrem toho obal obsahuje návod na použitie a krátky informačný bulletin o chránených vtákoch na našom území.

Vtáky tvoria kolekcie, ktoré zákazník môže zbierať a robiť si tak radosť.
Foto: Petra Vlčková

Tea package "birdie"


Tea package "birdie"

Package design for bio tea
