Ishita Gaur's profile An Ad Film

About is a luxury brand that is committed to bringing tennis luxury to every tennis enthusiast. Here, they curate a collection of Pro Tennis gear, from exquisite tennis shoes and apparel to opulent accessories.
About the Project
This project’s main objective was to create a mascot and expand their brand identity. The Ad Film, with the mascot as the center of attention, highlights the range of products that the store has to offer along with a glimpse of one of the offline store outlets. The Ad is a mixed media film with a blend of 2D and majorly 3D along with live-action footages of the store. The film consists of eye-catching visuals and up beat music that’s meant to grab the attention of the audience and expand the brand’s reach.
Mascot Design Concept 
In alignment with the brand's essence centered around trust and excitement, the chosen brand mascot is a Saluki, a breed indigenous to the UAE. The selection of this particular dog breed serves to encapsulate the brand's intended emotions, evoking a sense of reliability (trust) and enthusiasm (excitement).
Mascot Design 
Initial ideation
Design versions
Final Design
The sound used is just for reference and is changed in the final version.
3D Models
This project is still a work in progress. An Ad Film

Owner An Ad Film

A Mixed-media Ad Film for a Luxury Tennis Brand in Dubai, UAE focused on the large variety of Tennis gear and apparel the brand has to offer.
