I started the image with a loose sketch in Photoshop, I then Printed it out.
I then do a pencil rub and transfer the image to a piece of illustration board, tracing the line work with a ball paint pen.
This leaves faint lines for me to work on top of.
I then spend some time producing the final line work. I keep it neat and avoid shading.
I'm still building my confidence with acrylics so I start off with very light water colour washes. I like that I don't lose all my line work. I also use Schmincke masking fluid to protect the whit of the page on the highlight in the iris.
With the whole image lightly painted in water colour, I then start applying the acrylic paint. I usually start somewhere where there is deep shadow that way I have time to get used to the paint before jumping into some delicate area like the face.
I slowly build up the image using quite thin washes of acrylic. I try and protect the whiteness of the page in areas of highlight. You can paint highlights with thick application of titanium white, but I find you won't get the crisp white that you get form letting the page come through.
The final acrylic image. I would scan it at this point and do a bit of digital clean up in photoshop before posting it on my blog. http://themoderndragon.com/ .
Here is a view of my workspace, The colour print at the top of the image is a mock up I did in Photoshop. I like to work out my colour pallet in Photoshop and use it as reference.
The Gnome Enigma

The Gnome Enigma

Created for http://themoderndragon.com/.
