Been meaning to start a fantasy illustration series for a while already, so recently I did a small sketch and got somewhat excited about the imagery. Also I had just read Battling Boy, by Paul Pope and remembered he draws HUGE, like A2, so i had to try it as well! Gorgon Queen is one the biggest illustrations I've done, with purely no rush or deadlines. It would be ready when it's done. And so here she is!
The final piece, and Prosite cover.
Initial idea in my sketchbook.
A2 sized Pencil
The inked piece. A2 sized, Winsor & Newton series 7, size 2 miniature brush. Talens ink.
Some details up close below.
The colored thing. Went with a more desatured look. Stony, if you may.
If you haven't already, check my personal website.
It's made from Prosite templates, but it's pretty cool. And it's got this medusa up front!
Gorgon Queen