Profil appartenant à Amadeus Guchhait

Brown Foundation ISA Grant Program Package (2014)

In 2014, I was commissioned to brand the Eddie C. and C. Sylvia Brown Family Foundation International Study Abroad Grant Program and create accompanying publicity materials that could be distributed to students.
For the logo, I started by abbreviating "International Study Abroad" to the catchier and easily-memorable "ISA." I was taken with geometric lettering at the time and decided to try it for ISA. Hues of magenta with a yellow stroke added a final colorful touch, causing the main part of the graphic to leap off of the black background.
Above: the finished logo.
Next, I was to create a postcard. Extending from the logo in the center are neon lines, the same color as the "ISA," which travel through channels between the photos, all of which were taken by or of students. In line with the values of the Brown Family Foundation, I took great care in ensuring diversity in the students, art, and locations shown.
Above: the postcards for the Brown Family Foundation ISA Grant Program.
On the back of the postcard, I created a slogan using the letters "I," "S," and "A" again as a jumping-off point: Imagine Studying Anywhere. I also continued the neon line motif to frame it.
Lastly, I had to create the actual application for the program, which can be seen below.
Brown Foundation ISA Grant Program Package (2014)
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Brown Foundation ISA Grant Program Package (2014)

Identity, promotional materials, and application form for the Eddie C. and C. Sylvia Brown Family Foundation International Study Abroad Grant Pro Lire la suite

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