Mohammed Shifas profili

Key Visual Design For Fast Food Restaurant


I designed this visual for my friend's restaurant in Bangalore. It took a lot of brainstorming to come up with the idea. He wanted an image that showed both super fresh food and super fast delivery. So, I basically threw everything I could think of together to create this awesome design!
The most important thing was for the image to be clear and easy for customers to understand right away. To achieve this simplicity and power, I thought about what makes Bangalore unique: busy traffic and delicious spices! That's when the idea hit me!
After getting that spark, I used a cool program called ChatGPT to mix and match different ideas to create the perfect prompt. Then, I used another program called Midjourney AI to actually turn that prompt into a visual. It took a bunch of tries (over 25!), but I finally came up with these 4 options.
Key Visual Design For Fast Food Restaurant
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Key Visual Design For Fast Food Restaurant

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