Every year, millions of children are abandoned around the world, left to face life alone, without the support and affection of a family. This powerful image presents an evocative scene: a person, seen from behind, gazes at a mountain of tattered and abandoned toys, symbols of the innocence and memories of childhood that are discarded and forgotten.

The vibrant and colorful jacket of the figure starkly contrasts with the gloomy environment and the red sky, a metaphor for the pain and loneliness that many abandoned children experience. In a world where consumption and disposal are so easy, this image deeply challenges us, reminding us of the human consequences of these actions.

This video aims to raise awareness about the sad reality of child abandonment and the urgent need for intervention. It is a call to the global community to take concrete steps to protect and support the most vulnerable among us. Let's not let children become another forgotten toy on a mountain of lost memories.


