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Moonside Travel Brochure

Moonside Resort Brochure
A new vacation destination has just dropped...there is now a resort on the moon! This brochure project allowed me to experiment with futuristic graphics and interesting brochure designs. I wanted to create a sleek, high-end, futuristic design that reflected the once-in-a-lifetime experience going to this resort would provide.
Developing the Concept
When I initially came up with the idea to put a fictional resort on the moon, I had underestimated the amount of detail I would have to add to make it feel authentic. I found myself wondering if the resort would be underneath a sealed dome or if the entire moon would have an artificial atmosphere. Certainly that's something people would like to know when they pick up this brochure! Then, I wondered what kind of person would attempt to build this resort in the first place, and thus, the parent company, CEREUS Enterprises, was born. As I continued to work on this project, the full picture of the technologically advanced, almost completely self-sustained Moonside Resort began to reach completion in my mind. 
Thumbnails and Drafts
I experimented with a few different ways in which the brochure could open. The version I decided to go with begins as a crescent when the brochure is closed, and reveals a full moon when the first flap is opened. A map of Moonside is revealed when the brochure is fully open.
The design process began with the idea to have a crescent moon on the front cover, which then reveals a full moon when the front flap is opened. When partially-open, the brochure contains information on the artificial atmosphere surrounding the moon, including the average temperature range. When fully open, a list of activities and attractions are revealed, with arrows pointing to their location on the moon, allowing it to double as a map.
I chose Aviano Serif Bold as my typeface because I wanted a clean, futuristic appearance with an innovative feeling. The wide letters and serifs feel expansive, and reminds me of outer space. The flower depicted on the CEREUS Enterprises logo is a cereus flower, which only blooms at night, and I found this fitting for the company that founded a resort on the moon. 
Final Design
Below is the front cover, a note from CEREUS Enterprises, and a diagram of the artificial atmosphere.
The interior contains a map of Moonside with pictures, activities, and attractions. I created holographic screens for the information to sit in to further enhance the futuristic feeling one should expect from this experience. The rightmost column explains the artificial atmosphere.
Of the three main colors in my color palette, black and white are used to give the feeling of sleekness and luxury. The third color is a lavender based off of "Gen Z purple," as this color is often tied to technology and innovation.
Front cover
Front flap open
Fully open (interior)
Moonside Travel Brochure

Moonside Travel Brochure

A brochure for Moonside, the first extraterrestrial resort. Located on the surface of the moon, Moonside is a once-in-a-lifetime experience made Read More
