The rain was heavy and the skies were grey. Most would quickly seek shelter from this kind of weather, yet an exasperated dragon girl quickly darted out of her former home - a gigantic Sky Yacht dubbed the SS ████SANJI. It was hard to tell whether this purple-haired damsel was shedding tears or was just having water battered onto her face as she was flying away as fast as she could. A laser beam of bright blue aimed towards this dragon from behind, but almost as if expecting it, she swerved to dodge the attack, and turned around to face her half-sister; Elira Pendora. Another dragon-kin, but one with greyish blue hair, and is said to have come from the heavens closest to the sun.
    "Selen Tatsuki! You cannot leave like this while slandering everybody's else's reputation!" The heavenly dragon exclaimed, referring to Selen's ex-coworkers on that sky yacht.
    The opposing outcast whose immovable figure floated as her large violet wings supported her weight, appeared as though she was preparing for a counter-attack. But then, she muttered calmly, "Elira. I struggled for a year in that place. Only to be patronized over and over," her voice grew harsher as she explained, "only to have my requests refused again and again! I'm done with it, Elira!" and darted away once more. But the other dragon was not satisfied with the response, and continued chasing her, shooting more light beams as an attempt to slow Selen down. Dodging all of the attacks and getting annoyed by the harassment, she turned around and summoned her own energy sphere - and launched it, landing right into Elira like a bullseye.
    The damaged chaser flinched in pain, but Selen's counterattack was barely a scratch for what Elira has come prepared for. "If that's how it is, then perish. Everything you've done up until now will soon prove to be negligible." Beginning her transformation, the girl's celestial appearance contorted to something large, hostile, and feral. A pale and feathered primordial dragon emerged out of the blinding light, contrasted with dark eldritch elements, like her signature slick black wings, and tendril-like horns. It's like a metaphor for the first corruption of an otherwise heavenly angel.
    "I thought of you as a friend, Elira. But now, I just want to be free so I can play Neopets!" In response to Elira's stark metamorphosis, Selen too engulfed herself in chaos. Her feathery wings expanded to a ginormous size, the beautiful purple and white plumage braved themselves in her true dragon form. Her striped, whiplike tail was now bigger and stronger, its imposing length stretching longer than her own already massive body. The angered moon dragon gave a resounding roar, before facing the elder sister with her bright, bichrome glance.
    Thus began the battle of the sun and moon, as they clawed each other with their fearsome talons, powerfully clamped down on the weak points, and used high-level magic for both defense and offense. One would be a fool to intervene this warzone happening in the still-stormy sky. But as the battle progressed, time seemed to be drawing short for the lunar dragon - she has taken too much damage, and any more powerful moves could be a risk to herself. And yet, Selen did not surrender, and instead launched forward once more towards Elira - big mistake.

    Elira Pendora was saving her ultimate attack for last. Selen's body was scorched from the tip of her snout to the end of her tail, the burning so intense that she could no longer keep herself in the air, eventually spiraling down to crash on the foot of an active volcano. "Is this... Really the end?" She asked herself. Elira flew down to confront the loser, who's now limped and could no longer fly. Was she going to finish Selen off on her own? Or, was she going to abandon her to be dealt with by the fury of the erupting volcano?
    But before Elira could savor a choice of victory, an angry swarm from all sides suddenly leaped out on her! An army of adorable, mini dragons grabbed on to big pale monster, their large numbers consuming the surface of her body to cling, bite, and pluck her feathers, attacking as though she was an intruder in a hive of angry bees.
    "Dragoons!" Selen exclaimed. Her die-hard fans by the tens of thousands. No - hundreds! Even a powerful dragon like Elira is completely overwhelmed by a surprise attack of this size - deciding to abandon the duel at the very last to save her shins, she flew away clumsily while attempting to shake off the remaining dragoons still busy trying to rip off her glassy scales and plummage.
    Flying out of the crowd suddenly, a small feathered black dragon donning a racer's bib came to greet his master. This dragon was Ember! Selen's top dog, the one that signalled her dragoons to plan a counterattack, knowing that she would be in danger. Ember, while tiny compared to his owner, gave an eager embrace on her snout where Selen could feel his body clingingly splayed out, like a bandage on a nose. There was a moment of heartwarming reunion between the queen, her army, and her royal guard dog.
    PHROOOOOOOOM!! The volcano rages once more. With a certain doom inching closer, the panicked dragoons scurried to pull and carry their beloved idol away, but to little avail. "Stop." Selen's voice was stern, but weary. "Go. I no longer have the energy to move or transform. Please, save yourselves and go on without me." The befuddled responses of the the dragoons expressed a mix of dread and vehement denial. Time was running out. Though some have decided to run away as per her wish with bitter tears, others... Legs on shoulders, and hands joining hands, the remaining little dragons huddled Selen's weak, lying body as if they could somehow make a lava-proof barrier with a meat shield. "...Guys?" But they weren't covering her as an attempt to protect her. And upon realizing their intentions, she finally accepted it. Not even death will do apart a true queen from her loyal subjects.
    Whines and yelps were heard as each fervent follower fell. The cries in the unbearable heat was a heartbreaking symphony, and eventually the excrutiating pain took its course, slowly consuming everything to numbness, and then... Nothing.
    On the brink of consciousness, the raging lava appeared to have cooled into a gentle river of tears. Then, the river stopped flowing. Then it was dry. Or rather - Was there a river in the first place? Somehow... it's also likely that there was also no volcano to begin with. Or dragons, or even a dragon idol.
    "Who was that...?" It must've been a bad dream. A confused, blond-haired young woman stood up in her bedroom.

A Bad Dream

A Bad Dream

Once again it has been a while and GOD i forgot how to even upload works! Hahah. Anyways, just realized that I can post artistic literature to Bē Read More


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