Yeebing Tse 님의 프로필

Sprite Campaign: Take Back Control

With Sprite, Make Your Future Bright
Sprite is at risk of being usurped from their throne by Starry, which has been defined as “caffeine-free, true to fruit and more aromatic,” as well as defining themselves as a drink “for the new generation.” The purpose of this campaign is to establish Sprite as a drink that is appealing to younger generations while still maintaining Sprite’s personality.

The target audience consists of Gen Z and Millennials, and a percentage of proceeds from Sprite purchases can be donated to charity, possibly to sustainability or a charity with connections to the environment or climate change. The website has a link to sustainability causes, so it matches their beliefs while following the theme of TAKING BACK CONTROL.
There are three different versions of this campaign, featuring a modernized Mr. Lymon in a different pose. For those who don't know, Mr. Lymon was a previous mascot for Sprite who had been discontinued. Bringing him back will tie into the nostalgia factor for both younger and older generations that the campaign is not necessarily targeting, helping them feel included despite them not being the main focus. Mr. Lymon will also be redesigned, with a green wizard hat and a magic staff with a Sprite can attached to tie him into the campaign.

Many may be wondering "Where has Mr. Lymon been this whole time?" And this campaign will provide an answer: He's been out protecting the Kingdom of Lemontopia from the Seven Starry Knights, a slight dig towards Starry in response to their Super Bowl Commercial.

And also just for fun, here's what Mr. Lymon looked like before, alongside some rough sketches of Mr. Lymon's design and a hypothetical design for one of the Seven Starry Knights:
Radio Ad

Radio static sound, followed with the sound of fizzing and something clacking, like someone trying to adjust the audio on something. 

Lymon (faint voice, barely hearable over radio static): Can you hear me?...oh, you can! Great!

Radio Static clears up, allowing listeners to now hear Mr. Lymon clearly.

Lymon: Hey, everyone! Mr. Lymon here! Sorry I’ve gone for so long!

Lymon: I’ve been spending these last couple of years looking after the Kingdom of Lemontopia with my Sprite powers, but recently things have changed. The Seven Starry Knights who want to take control of Lemontopia have gotten stronger, and I’m going to need your help!

Lymon: All you gotta do to help is buy a can of Sprite! Each can gives me the extra strength needed to banish the Seven Starry Knights back to their world! 

Lymon: I’ve got to go now, but remember! Together, we can take back control!

*Fizzing sound occurs as footsteps run, slowly becoming more faded as a door closes*


Sprite Campaign: Take Back Control

Sprite Campaign: Take Back Control
