Jagriti Kaur Monga さんのプロファイル

Case Study: Event Marketing (PDFA with Sonam Bajwa)

PDFA Event with Brand Manager Sonam Bajwa 
The Progressive Dairy Farmers Association (PDFA) International Dairy & Agri Expo is an annual event that draws attention from dairy enthusiasts worldwide, every year. It is a pivotal platform for industry players to showcase their advancements, connect with stakeholders, connect with customers.

In 2023, held in Jagraon, Punjab, our marketing and PR efforts were robust, blending BTL and ATL activities to ensure broad awareness and diverse attendance. A notable highlight was Sonam Bajwa's anticipated presence as the Brand Ambassador of Mooofarm, enhancing the event's significance in brand positioning within the dairy industry.

Watch event videos: 

My role being the Content Head and Associate Brand Manager was:
1. BTL Marketing: planning and execution:
- Personalised invitations: Using cohort analysis, we tailored personalized invitations for key partners like feed partners, BMC, VMC players, and others in Punjab, while utilizing WhatsApp Marketing for farmer outreach and LinkedIn Marketing and Email Marketing for business partners.
(My role involved planning a targeted promotional strategy for the event: crafting content strategy, channel selection, and ensuring cross-functional alignment with design, sales, and call center teams for effective execution.)
- Telemarketing: Working on scripts for call center. Working closely with sales and call center team and having a set information that needs to be shared when they personally invite attendees or provide event details on set cohort list in their preferred language over the call. 
(I took charge of scripting and training for our call center team, collaborating closely with both sales and call center personnel. Recognizing the diminishing attention spans for promotional calls, I focused on crafting engaging and concise scripts tailored to each recipient's preferred language and cohort list.)
- Promotional materials: Distributing flyers, brochures, posters, invites in strategic locations (on kiosks, Vet Camps, at local partner shops, etc) to attract local attendees and position brand. 
(I managed event collaterals from content creation to printing, considering language usage and target audience preferences through competitive analysis. Collaborating closely with vendors, I ensured seamless printing processes through effective communication and negotiation within budgetary constraints. Additionally, I liaised with the sales team to align collaterals with our marketing objectives and provided them with the necessary materials; with Product team to implement the same on the App. Through careful budgeting and sourcing cost-effective printing solutions, I aimed to optimize our spending while maintaining high-quality outputs.)
- Marketing Campaign: Timing is crucial in planning effective campaigns, and one such campaign centered around sharing Mooo Feed experiences was strategically promoted. Participants were encouraged to share their experiences along with meeting other campaign requirements. The incentive offered was the opportunity for the top 3 winners to meet Sonam Bajwa at the event. This initiative not only enhanced our brand positioning but also increased social media followers and engagement. Additionally, it served as a promotional tool for the event itself, as winners would have the chance to meet Sonam Bajwa after the event, generating excitement and anticipation among participants.
(I led the conceptualization, execution strategy, and budgeting for the campaign. This included devising a creative content strategy, designing materials, and collaborating with the performance marketing team for optimal reach. Additionally, I coordinated with event team members to plan the meet-and-greet spot and its execution strategy.)
- Social Media marketing: creating a buzz with intriguing content, story play, leaving hits about Sonam Bajwa's attendance in the event to create engagement on platforms. Later, during the event, even going live to keep the people engaged. 
- Influencer Marketing: Partnered with micro and mini influencers of the state to share content on their profiles for better reach, promotion and branding. 
(With team, I spearheaded the identification and preparation of a list of influencers meeting the event's target audience criteria in Punjab. I initiated contact with them, obtained quotes, and collaborated with managers to finalize agreements. I closely worked with influencers. I crafted engaging scripts and determined the optimal timing for posting content to maximize impact.)
- Networking Events: Prior to main event, hosted small events with an attempt to inform and attract audience (here printed collaterals were shared). To generate buzz, we doubled the number of Vet Camps in Punjab. Additionally, we ramped up in-store promotions by strategically placing kiosks to provide information and address queries from potential attendees. These initiatives were crucial in expanding our reach and engagement, both leading up to the main event and beyond.
- On site activities: On-site activities are key to maintain engagement and showcase industry expertise. For instance, we set up a kiosk with a veterinarian and hosted an interactive game featuring Mooo Feed, a product of Mooofarm. Participants not only had fun but also learned about the benefits of Mooo Feed, positioning it as the top choice. Winners were rewarded, fostering positive brand association, and many attendees converted into customers post-event, highlighting the effectiveness of these initiatives in driving business growth.
(My role was to come up with the engaging idea, work in sync with other team to make sure everyone and everything is aligned- collaterals to winner certificates/prizes, video person was their to record the experience of winners that will later be used for marketing purposes)
- Post-Event Follow-up: Sending personalized thank-you notes or follow-up emails to attendees, and collecting feedback for future improvements.
(I worked on the form and its layout and took feedback and implemented them for better events of future.)

2. ATL Marketing: planning and execution:
- Traditional Advertising: Print advertisement with Newspaper marketing to reach wider audience in the state. Further, rikshaw branding was utilised at a marketing and promotion tool to spread the word in villages where newspaper TG was less. 
(I handled newspaper creatives (content and design) and vendor connections to ensure budget-friendly placements. Additionally, I oversaw rickshaw branding, from scripting voice overs to collaborating with artists for recordings and selecting suitable rickshaws for village marketing. I coordinated execution with on-ground and sales teams for seamless implementation.)
- Outdoor Advertising: Billboards, banners, and posters strategically placed in high-traffic areas to create awareness. 
(I handled the creative bit (what content will go, designing with designers) and worked closely with vendors on its execution. For eg, a school bus and highway implementation was found as the best promotion spots.)
- Digital Advertising: Online display ads, social media advertising, and sponsored content to reach a broader online audience.
(I collaborated with editors and designers to share content or develop new material. Additionally, I facilitated the performance marketer's contributions. However, the entire process, from budgeting to ad analysis to reporting to managers, was a team effort.)
- PR planning: A press release was issued both before and after the event to generate anticipation and highlight key outcomes. Media coverage during the event further amplified its reach and impact.  Also, here, Live Streams of social media channels were utilised to keep the engagement high.
(I aligned the brand support to PR team. Further, since I come with Journalism experience, I have written few releases myself.)

Case Study: Event Marketing (PDFA with Sonam Bajwa)
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Case Study: Event Marketing (PDFA with Sonam Bajwa)

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