In the immense savannas of Colombia and Venezuela there is a popular belief of a chilling spherical mass of candle known as the "Fireball” or "Candileja", capable of paralyzing the bravest llanero with its infernal flames and its cadaverous face that can be observed if it approaches.

Some long-lived inhabitants of the vast plains claim to have seen on the darkest nights of thick blackness, the evil spirit that bounces in the air and in the distance resembles a torch that silently moves among the pastures.

They say that it is small in size, while it is at a prudent distance, but quickly reaches a greater dimension capable of burning the unfortunate rider or walker who in his wandering meets the wandering soul.

Many have encountered “the fireball" so many times that they have become accustomed to its presence and gallantly confront the essence of the afterlife, which is afraid of rudeness and turns away when its victims proliferate insults.
The Fireball
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The Fireball

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