Profilo di Ecolution Packaging

teasesk's Crush Lock Bottom Box Packaging for Tea

Discover the art of tea with teaesk, a revolutionary venture born from a dissatisfaction with artificial flavors and a fervor for authenticity. Founded by the esteemed Australian Certified Tea Master, Melissa (Escribano) Di Marco, teaesk has blossomed into an award-winning tea company, delighting countless enthusiasts with meticulously handcrafted blends devoid of any "nasties".
Every week, teaesk serves thousands with its exquisite range of teas and refreshing iced concoctions, all available through its online platform, esteemed stockists, and the charming retail haven nestled in Wollongong. 

They traverse the vast expanse of tea culture, fearlessly exploring its myriad flavors and nuances and empower patrons to embark on their own tea journey, encouraging them to expand their palates and savor each sip with newfound appreciation.​​​​​​​
Packaging Style: Ecolution Packaging's Crash lock bottom box
Material: 320gsm freelife vellum
Printing skills: CMYK printing
Embellishment: emboss​​​​​​​
teasesk's Crush Lock Bottom Box Packaging for Tea

teasesk's Crush Lock Bottom Box Packaging for Tea


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